Wednesday Weekly Shopping: Emptying the cupboards
I invite you to link up to your best grocery deals below, to inspire others to save more!
Since I'm taking part in the Clean Out the Cupboards Challenge, my shopping this week was pretty minimal. Instead, I relied mainly on items from my pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to create meals. They are definitely a little emptier than they were last week!
Since my challenge goal is to only shop at ALDI for dairy, bread, and produce, I decided to use up $5 in Register Rewards before the challenge officially started on January 1st. (Well, that, and it also expired on 12/31.) I chose to get the Breathe Right monthly deal again. I also had to buy a second item since Walgreens won't accept two manufacturer's coupons when you only buy one item (the Register Rewards count as manufacturer's coupons). Having taken inventory of my pantry (see my pantry inventory and my fridge/freezer inventory), I knew that I was a little short on tuna fish, so I used the opportunity to buy one more can.
As one of my personal goals is to add more protein sources to my family's diet (too much starch lately!) I also stopped at Publix before the start of the challenge to buy some cottage cheese and farmer cheese. And, yes, I paid full price. Go ahead, get that shocked look off your face; it happens sometimes!
Otherwise, I bought dairy, bread, produce, and one personal care item at ALDI.
How nice it was not to run around to several different stores this week! I really needed the breathing space, both physically and mentally. I was able to get rid of all of the weekly ads after I wrote my Under a Buck feature on them. So there's a little less clutter, too! Plus it took no time at all to type in this week's Shopping Spreadsheet. So taking part in the Clean Out the Cupboards Challenge is having a lot of positive effects on my life. (Join us!)
Overall, this week I spent $30.51 for items worth $42.21, or a whopping 27% savings. (But don't compare percentages!) Of course, if I compared the ALDI prices to supermarket full prices, it would show a lot more savings.
See all my shopping here.
How did your shopping go this week? What bargains did you get? Please leave a link to your blog post about your weekly shopping. The aim is not to brag, but to inspire! Please link up directly to your post, not to the blog itself. I'd appreciate it if you put a link to Wednesday Weekly Shopping in your post as well. If you don't have a blog, please leave a comment!
Check out the following to see how others shopped this week!
- Super Savings Saturday @ Money Saving Mom
- Shopping Superstars @ The Thrifty Mama
- Weekly Totals @ I Heart Publix
- Shopping Round-Up @ The Grocery Cart Challenge
- The Cha-Ching Challenge @ Cha Ching on a Shoestring
- Coupon Super Savers @ Coupon Savings Game
- Friday Finals @ Southern Savers
- Week-Ending Finale @ The Frugal Freeloader
- The Savings Bungalow @ Saving a Bundle
- Deal Day @ Organizing for Everyone
- Photo Show & Tell @ Addicted to Saving
- Weekly Savings Linky @ Frugality Is Free
- Share Your Savings Saturday @ Frugal Fun Fortune
- Confessions of a SAHM
- Saturday Success Stories @ Coupon Teacher
- Living Well, Spending Less
- Shopping Trip Savings @ Bluegrass Savers
- Saving the Family Money
- What I Got! @ Kelly's Coupon Addiction
- Deals and Dishes
- Frugal Friday @ Shopper Strategy
- Tight Wad Tips @ Tight Wad in Utah
- The $15 Grocery Challenge
- $60 Weekly Grocery Challenge @ Homemaking Mom
- I Heart Coupons

I am beginning to figure out how Aldi is fitting into my grocery shopping routine - you just cannot beat their prices on certain items...especially not when they go on sale.
I would like to invite you to link up your savings at the Weekly Savings Linky @ Frugality Is Free , you can win a free ad space too!
You must have built up a pretty good stockpile! I will have to try this sometime when I take a brief break from couponing. Great job!
I would love for you to join me on Tuesday's for my $40.00 Fix. This is my challange to spend no more than $40.00 on groceries and other drugstore items! Come link up if you have any shopping trips or tips you would like to share!
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