Monday, December 6, 2010

Menu Plan 12/6/10: Repeats

I spent much of last week either taking care of sick family members or being sick myself.  One of the very slight upsides of being sick is that you're not eating all that much!  I didn't make several of the meals that I had planned for last week - we mostly subsided on toast made from 25¢ a loaf bread, cheap crackers, chicken soup, and juice.

So some of these meals will be repeats from last week.

I'm also pretty much out of meat.  I haven't made a meat purchase since the end of September - guess it's time to head to the kosher butcher and load up.  That means I'll probably blow my shopping budget this week, but since I've been under my budget of $80 per week for a family of five (husband, wife, and daughters 13, almost 10, and 5) for several weeks now, it shouldn't hurt too much.

And here's what's for dinner this week:

Monday - veggie chili over brown rice

Tuesday - baked chicken breasts, tabbouleh

Wednesday - mushroom pizza on  whole wheat pizza dough, fruit

Thursday - lasagna roll-ups, salad

Friday - fajitas, brown rice with salsa and veggies

Saturday -grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, cut-up veggies

Sunday - takeout!

If you're a frugal food blogger, please come and link up with Frugal Food Thursdays, a new feature here at Frugal Follies.

Check out Menu Plan Monday for more menu plans!

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