Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday Follies: The strangest thing I found in my pantry

Welcome to Friday Follies! This is a place to post something funny, crazy, or just plain dunderheaded that's happened during your adventures in frugality. Whether it was spending $10 in gas to save $1 on toilet paper, rebuying a shirt from a thrift shop that you previously donated, or just forgetting the coupons you meticulously clipped, here's a place to post it.

A few days ago, I was taking inventory of my pantry and freezer, as part of my goals for the Eat from the Pantry Challenge. I found lots of strange things - a jar of coconut oil from some health kick I'd been on once, a totally freezer-burned fish filet, 8 individually-wrapped bagels in different parts of the freezer (left over by my daughters from various Sunday deli breakfasts), some Halloween candy from years past. But this was the strangest:

What are those? They are gel pads for nursing moms, to help with the pain when you are engorged with milk. I'm not sure why they were still in my freezer - after all, my youngest child is almost five!

What funny or crazy things have you done in the name of frugality? Please leave a comment for Friday Follies!


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