Sunday, November 25, 2012

Walgreens: Free toilet paper!

This wasn't a particularly good week at the drug stores. At CVS, the only thing that interested me was the milk deal: Buy 1 gallon of milk, receive $1 Extra Care Buck. But we have two gallons on milk in the fridge (including a free gallon from Publix), so I'll get that deal later on in the week.

At Walgreens, pretty much nothing excited me. But I had $5 in Register Rewards expiring today to use. So what did I get?

Regular readers can chime in now: "Toilet paper!"

Yes, that's my favorite thing to get when I have ECBs or RRs to use up but there aren't any deals I want.

Here's how the purchase went:

1 Cottonelle 12-pack @ $5.00

Tax: 30¢
Total product cost: $5.30

Pay with $5 in Register Rewards from two weeks ago

Total out of pocket: 30¢
Total saved compared to Walgreens full prices: $5.00

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