Saturday, December 31, 2011

An amazing week for coupons!

How many coupon inserts will there be in your paper this weekend?

According to the Sunday Coupon Preview, there will be four, count 'em, four inserts in your local paper this week.  There will be two Smartsource inserts, one RedPlum insert, and one P&G insert.

If you only buy extra newspapers on weeks with a lot of coupons, this would be the week to buy!  I myself am planning to buy an extra newspaper, along with collecting lots of my free coupon inserts next week.

I'm really excited about the Tostitos coupons.  We don't get chips much, but usually I will get a bag or two for the Super Bowl and make nachos.  What coupon are you most excited about?  Go check out all the great coupons coming out this week at Sunday Coupon Preview!

(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)

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