Walgreens: Paid just with pocket change
I took a trip over to Walgreens earlier today. I didn't have any Register Rewards, having spent them all in a previous visit. I needed some facial tissue, so I wanted to stock up on Kleenices (that's the plural of Kleenex, right?), but I didn't want to pay a lot out of pocket for them. So here's what I did:
Transactions 1, 2, and 3 (identical transactions):
1 Carefree panty shields @ 99¢ (receive $1 ECB)
- 50¢ Carefree product coupon from the 3/27 RedPlum insert
= 49¢ each
Tax: 6¢
Total out of pocket: 55¢
Receive $1 RR
Transaction 4:
4 Kleenex @ 99¢ each (with in-ad coupon)
- B3G1 Kleenex coupon from the 2/13 SmartSource insert
= $2.97 for four, or 74¢ each
1 Royal gelatin @ 20¢ (with in-ad coupon)
Total product: $3.17
Pay with $3 RR from above transactions
Total after RRs: 17¢
Tax: 24¢
Total out of pocket: 41¢
Total out of pocket for four transactions: $2.06
Total saved: $8.66
Some notes on these transactions:
- I only used pocket change to pay for these four transactions - I didn't take a bill out of my wallet!
- The Walgreens store coupon for the Kleenex says Limit 3, but my cashier took the coupon for all 4 boxes.
- I bought the Royal gelatin not as an extra item for coupon usage, but to increase my total so that it would be more than the amount of Register Rewards I wanted to use. Had I not bought the gelatin, I would have had a product cost of $2.97; I would have only been able to use $2 in Register Rewards and would have had to pay the 97¢ plus tax out of pocket.

Thats very clever. I just so happen to need liners and kleenex so, if you dont mind I would like to copy your scenario.
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