Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cheap appetizer ingredients at Target

I got a great deal at Target yesterday on Triscuit crackers and Philadelphia cream cheese. Can't wait to combine them, with some toppings, to make some yummy hors d'oeuvres!

4 Triscuit crackers @ $2.00 = $8.00
- 2 $1/2 manufacturer coupons
- 2 $1/2 Target store coupons
= $4 for four boxes, or $1 each!

5 Philadelphia cream cheese bricks @ $1.19 = $5.95
- 2 $1 off manufacturer printable coupon (no longer available)
- 1 $1.25/3 manufacturer coupon from the Deliciously Simple Holiday Recipes booklet
- 2 50¢/2 Target store coupons
= $1.70 for five boxes, or 34¢ each!

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