Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Way, way, way over (Wednesday Weekly Shopping)

Coupon Shopping
I invite you to link up to your best grocery deals below, to inspire others to save more! 

I'll have the details of my shopping trips up soon, but suffice it to say, I went way, way, way over budget!

Here's the linky for those of you who wish to link up!

How did your shopping go this week? What bargains did you get? Please leave a link to your blog post about your weekly shopping. The aim is not to brag, but to inspire!  Please link up directly to your post, not to the blog itself. I'd appreciate it if you put a link to Wednesday Weekly Shopping in your post as well. If you don't have a blog, please leave a comment!

If you're reading this post via email or a reader, please click here for the links.

For more great shopping deals and trips, please check out the bloggers listed in my Linkup Parties page under Shopping Deals Linkups.  I'm sure you'll find lots of great ideas on saving money on groceries!

(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)


Anonymous,  August 28, 2013 at 1:31 AM  

I just wanted to say I have been getting your emails for about 6 months and I think you are doing great. I like to see your grocery trip deals and I have done a few of them myself.

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