Monday, June 10, 2013

Swagbucks Quick Tips: Easy Offers

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Swagbucks!  It's so easy to earn $5 Amazon gift cards - I've earned close to $700 since becoming a member, without much effort at all!

If you're looking for a way to earn some quick and easy Swag Bucks, just head to "Discover" in the blue menu bar, and then select Special Offers - you can find a bunch of free, quick and easy offers that will give you a nice amount of Swag Bucks in a short amount of time. Over the course of week or month, those Swag Bucks will add up and ultimately get you to your gift cards quicker!

A quick offer usually involves something as simple as watching a short video, taking a short survey or downloading a new app for your smartphone! Try them out and watch your Swag Bucks pile up!

Have you signed up for Swagbucks yet? If not, it's a great site that rewards you for all of the things you're already doing online with things like free gift cards. Sign up by clicking here.

(This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.)


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