An easy way to save blog linkup posts!
I spend a lot of time linking up my shopping posts, frugal tip posts, giveaway posts, and cooking posts with many other blogs each week. In turn, I run three blog linkups - Fortune Follies Tuesday, Wednesday Weekly Shopping, and Frugal Food Thursday - and lots of other bloggers come and link up here at Frugal Follies. All that means I see a lot of great shopping deals to emulate, frugal tips to research, giveaways to enter, and recipes to try. And all that information is all over the Internet.
I've found a great way to keep all that in one place and to share with others - it's a service called clipix. Clipix keeps all of the stuff you find in one easy place, your clipix board.
A great feature of clipix is that it is collaborative. With Syncboards, you can find ideas with other people. When you clip something to your board, it appears on their boards, too. This would be great for a project committee. For instance, a group working on a dinner/dance could clip and share ideas for the food, table decorations, and entertainment.
Another great idea would be for a wish list for a child for holidays or birthdays. The parent could clip items that the child might want, and when it's bought by another family member or friend, that person could remove it from the Syncboard.
Have too many clipix boards? With Multiboards, you can group them by subject or any other way you want.
Want to learn more? Watch the following video:
Here's a clipix I made of some of the great recipes that appeared last week's Frugal Food Thursday:

There's even an iPhone app, so you can take your clipix boards with you wherever you go.
Interested? Sign up for clipix today! And you can follow on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook.
What do you think you might use clipix for? Leave a comment below!
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I've found a great way to keep all that in one place and to share with others - it's a service called clipix. Clipix keeps all of the stuff you find in one easy place, your clipix board.
A great feature of clipix is that it is collaborative. With Syncboards, you can find ideas with other people. When you clip something to your board, it appears on their boards, too. This would be great for a project committee. For instance, a group working on a dinner/dance could clip and share ideas for the food, table decorations, and entertainment.
Another great idea would be for a wish list for a child for holidays or birthdays. The parent could clip items that the child might want, and when it's bought by another family member or friend, that person could remove it from the Syncboard.
Have too many clipix boards? With Multiboards, you can group them by subject or any other way you want.
Want to learn more? Watch the following video:
Here's a clipix I made of some of the great recipes that appeared last week's Frugal Food Thursday:

There's even an iPhone app, so you can take your clipix boards with you wherever you go.
Interested? Sign up for clipix today! And you can follow on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook.
What do you think you might use clipix for? Leave a comment below!
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Well, looks like a great idea. I will check this out!
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