ALDI: Great deals on celery and bread
I took a trip over to the new ALDI earlier in the week. I had a coupon for $5 off a purchase of $30 and I was really excited to use it!
I found two unexpected deals that day. Near the door was a sign saying "Celery - 25¢ each". And when I went to the bread section, I found whole-wheat and honey wheat bread loaves for 79¢ each. I was wishing that I had a much bigger freezer to store some - all I have is the small freezer above the refrigerator. It's usually big enough to hold most deals, but I could've bought a lot more bread if I had a standalone freezer. And I could've bought a ton of celery, sliced it, and stored it in the freezer. Oh, well, these are the tradeoffs of being frugal.
Here's what I got:
2 gallons milk @ $2.99 = $5.98
3 dozen eggs @ 99¢ = $2.97
5 whole wheat bread @ 79¢ = $3.95 (normally $1.29 each)
1 juice concentrate @ 92¢
1 bag bananas @ $1.31
1 3-lb bag yellow onions @ $1.49
2 cucumbers @ 55¢ = $1.10
1 3-lb Gala apples @ $2.79
4 celery @ 25¢ = $1.00 (normally 99¢ each)
8 cans tuna @ 59¢ = $4.72
1 Parmesan cheese @ $2.39
1 baby carrots @ 99¢
1 flour tortillas @ 99¢
Total product: $30.60
- $5/$30 coupon
Total out of pocket: $25.60
Saved: $10.46

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