ALDI: Great deal on cream cheese
I made a trip over to ALDI. Generally ALDI doesn't run sales, but this week I ran into a great one!
ALDI had cream cheese on sale for 89¢ each! Normally the cost is $1.49. I was hoping for a good sale at Publix on Philadelphia brand cream cheese, so that I could use my cream cheese coupons and get a great deal. But I couldn't resist picking up a couple of packages here.
Well, not a couple of packages... I got 6.
But we'll go through them fast. Each Friday I make two loaves of challah, and we eat the leftovers Saturday morning with cream cheese for breakfast. Both loaves - and a lot of cream cheese - are usually gone by the end of the morning.
So if cream cheese goes on sale at Publix soon, I'll still probably pick up a few more!
But here's what I got at ALDI this week:
2 large eggs @ $1.39 = $2.78
2 gallons milk @ $2.79 = $5.58
1 apple juice concentrate @ 92¢
6 cream cheese @ 89¢ = $5.34
1 16-oz frozen salmon @ $4.49
2.95 lb bananas @ 44¢/lb = $1.30
1 broccoli crowns @ 99¢
2 3-lb yellow onions @ 89¢ = $1.78
6 cans tuna @ 59¢ = $3.54
1 box Crispy Oats @ $1.59 (we ran out of cereal bought on sale with coupons that my oldest daughter is willing to eat - this is the first time I've bought cereal at ALDI)
2 loaves whole wheat bread @ $1.29 = $2.58
Total spent: $30.85

did they have fat free cream cheese on that sale too?
The lower-fat spreadable Neufchatel cheese was also on sale for 89¢. I don't think ALDI carries completely fat-free cream cheese.
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