Walgreens: Crestfallen
I went to Walgreens yesterday, hoping to score a couple of great deals. But first I checked my local ad to compare it to the online ad matchups. One of the deals I wanted to get was cream cheese and sour cream, each 99¢ with an in-ad coupon. I searched through the ad several times, but no coupon for cream cheese or sour cream was to be seen there. Darn it!
Another deal I wanted to get was for Crest toothpaste. That was in the ad, but when I went to get it, I couldn't find the particular product at my Walgreens. They just didn't carry it. I was crestfallen (get it?), but not too upset since I planned to get Crest at CVS this week, too.
Here's what I did find there:
2 Planters peanut butter @ 2/$3
- $0.75/1 Planters Peanut Butter, exp. 10/2/11 (SS 08/21/11) (I only had one coupon)
= $2.25 for two, or $1.13 each
2 Triscuit @ 2/$5
- $1/2 Nabisco Crackers or Newtons Fruit Thins, exp. 9/24/11 (Walgreens, Sept)
= $4.00 for two, or $2.00 each
(There is also a manufacturer's coupon, but I had already used my copies)
1 Playtex Sport tampons @ $3.99 (receive $1 RR)
- $1/1 Playtex Sport Tampons printable
= $2.99 ($1.99 after RRs)
6 RoseArt glue sticks @ 49¢ (with in-ad coupon; there is a limit of 3 but my Walgreens ignores these limits)
= $2.94
Total product: $12.18
Tax: 42¢
Total out of pocket: $12.60
Total saved compared to Walgreens full prices: $18.13
RRs received: $1

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