Where to get veggies now?
I made a couple of shopping runs on Wednesday, as Friday looks like a pretty busy day for me (though I will manage to get to Publix for the new weeks's sale items).
At the produce store, again the selection was disappointing. It had a lot more produce than last week, but the prices were far higher than I've grown accustomed to. Maybe I've become spoiled?
In the last aisle, I found some produce that was definitely past its prime, but on sale for much cheaper than the rest of the store. I picked through the tomatoes, peppers, and bags of onions, and found a few that weren't too terrible.
4 tomatoes @ 50 ¢/lb
2 red peppers @ 50¢/lb
3 orangish-green peppers @ 50¢/lb
2 2-lb bags of onions @ 2/99¢
Total spent: $2.58
So it was to ALDI to buy the other produce I needed. I still have some lettuce left over, so I needed some cucumbers and some fruit. And I picked up some spices and other baking items. But they were out of milk! Ack!
2 containers strawberries @ $1.39 = $2.78
2 juice concentrates @ 92¢ = $1.84
1 cream cheese @ $1.29
3 cucumbers @ 44¢ = $1.32
1 package frozen salmon @ $4.49
1 5 lb. flour @ $1.78
1 paprika @ 99¢
1 whole wheat bread @ $1.29
1 flour tortillas @ 99¢
Total spent: $16.77
So today, I went back to get the ever-elusive milk. I don't think a regular supermarket would ever allow themselves to run out of such a crucial item. Then again, maybe a regular supermarket would have to charge higher prices in order to keep enough milk in stock (to cover the costs of throwing out any that pass the sell-by date).
I didn't take a picture, but I got:
2 gallons milk @ $2.39 = $4.78 (price increase, ack!)
1 onion powder @ 99¢
1 black pepper @ $1.69
Total spent: $7.46

Consider yourself lucky...A gallon of milk in SC is $3.09-$3.49. Major Ack!
You are kidding!! In Tallahassee, I just paid $3.89 for a gal of milk!! Good thing I had RR's from my local Walgreens!
That's about how much milk costs at Publix here.
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