Publix: Lots of smart savings!
With the new sales cycle starting yesterday, I took a trip over to Publix today.
I was excited about an unadvertised deal that I had seen elsewhere:
Cool Juice, 64 oz, @ BOGO $2.99 (not sold in all stores)
- 2 $1 off Cool Juice product, 64 oz, (zip 33133) printable
= 99¢ for two, or 50¢ each
But, alas, my store did not carry that product. Oh, well.
On a better note, I had also seen this advertised deal:
Barilla Pasta, 13.25-16 oz, @ BOGO $1.45
- 2 55¢/1 Barilla Piccolini, SS 6/26 (if included)
= 35¢ for two, or 18¢ each
I didn't plan to do this deal because I was sure that my Publix did not carry the Barilla Piccolini pasta. But I took a gander down that aisle while on my trip and found that they did indeed carry it now, and it was included in the sale! I will have to make a second trip with the right coupons to get some.
Two of the three deals I did get used coupons from the Publix Smart Savings booklet, which I did finally find at the store. I could have used them two weeks ago, but I was glad to be able to use them now.
Here's what I got:
6 Bumble Bee tuna 4-pack @ BOGO $3.82
= $11.46 for 24 cans, or 48¢ each
8 Wish-Bone salad dressing @ BOGO $2.89 = $11.56
- 8 $1 off Wish-Bone Publix coupons from the Smart Savings booklet
= $3.56 for eight, or 45¢ each
8 Kleenex @ $1.25 = $10.00
- 4 $1/2 Kleenex Publix coupons from the Smart Savings booklet
= $6 for eight, or 75¢ each
Total product: $21.02
Savings compared to Publix full prices: $40.78

Great deal on the salad dressing! Here are my best finds of the week. Feel free to leave your link on my blog too:
Great savings this week.
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