Coupon glossary
New to couponing, and don't understand the abbreviations used here at Frugal Follies? Here's a list of coupon terms and abbreviations that I often use.
- @ - price per item
- $1/2 - $1 off when you buy two items
- 2/$1 - Two items for $1 (50¢ each)
- B1G1 or BOGO - buy one at the price listed, get one free
- blinkie - a coupon that comes out of a small machine attached to the store shelves (it has a light that blinks, hence the name)
- catalina - a coupon that is printed at the register from a separate machine - in my area, you can get catalina coupons at Walgreens, Target, and Winn-Dixie. (The name comes from the company that manufactures the machine. You can find a list of catalina coupons at Coupon Network.)
- ct - count
- CVS - not an abbreviation, but a national chain of drug stores
- ECB - Extra Care Bucks - the rewards program at CVS
- GM - General Mills insert (one of the coupon inserts that appears occasionally)
- insert - the coupons that appear together in a section in the Sunday newspaper
- L - liter
- lb - pounds
- mL - milliliters
- moneymaker - a deal where the store is paying you to take the item. Usually this occurs either when the value of the coupon is more than the price of the item, or you receive more in store rewards than what you paid. Not all stores allow coupon moneymaking deals - they will manually change the value of the coupon to the price of the item, making it free.
- oz. - ounces
- P&G - Procter & Gamble insert (one of the coupon inserts that appears approximately once per month)
- peelie - a coupon that sticks to a product and is peeled off to use
- pk - pack
- qt - quart
- R - regional coupon - a coupon that appears in coupon inserts in some areas but not in others
- RP - RedPlum insert (one of the coupon inserts in your local Sunday newspaper most weeks)
- RR - Register Rewards - the rewards program at Walgreens
- single check rebate - a monthly rewards program at Rite Aid
- SS - Smartsource insert (one of the coupon inserts in your local Sunday newspaper most weeks)
- tearpad - a coupon that is part of a pad of coupons that is connected to the store shelf or on a promotional display.
- +UP reward - the rewards program at Rite Aid
- wyb - when you buy

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