Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Extreme Couponing series starts tomorrow!

Remember the Extreme Couponing special that aired at the beginning of the year? Starting tomorrow, there will be a series!

It starts with back-to-back episodes tomorrow, April 6, at 9 PM Eastern time on TLC. After this week, it will air at 9:30 Eastern time on TLC.

Here's a sneak preview:

From the press release:

In the episode, J’aime & Tiffany (9:00 pm), Maryland based J’aime plans to use her coupons to get nearly $2000 worth of groceries for around her $100 budget while in Texas, Tiffany and her husband must rethink their couponing strategy when she finds out her grocery store couponing policy has changed.

In the following episode, Rebecca & Jessica (9:30 pm), St. Louis couponer Rebecca will plan to fit all her food needs for her huge party into her monthly food budget of $50 while Idaho super-mom Jessica will attempt to pull off 18 separate transactions to get over $600 worth of groceries.

It should be fun to watch!

If Extreme Couponing is too extreme for you, check out my post on 9 Simple Steps to Save 75% on Groceries. Or, check out Extreme Couponing for Normal People.

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