ALDI: Price increases!
The sharp increase in commodities prices like wheat and oil is affecting grocery prices everywhere, and ALDI is being affected, too.
I made two trips to ALDI this week, and noticed (as did JRFrugalMom over at The ALDI Spot) that a lot of the prices had increased. Here are some changes I saw:
- 1 dozen eggs - from 99¢ to $1.29
- bananas - from 39¢/lb to 44¢/lb
- whole wheat bread - from $1.19 to $1.29
- 5 lb all-purpose flour - from $1.39 to $1.64
Here's what I got in the two trips:
3 gallons milk @ $1.99 = $5.97
2 dozen eggs @ 99¢ = $1.98 (first trip)
1 dozen eggs @ $1.29 (second trip)
3 loaves whole wheat bread @ $1.29 = $3.87
1 cottage cheese @ $1.99
1 shredded cheddar cheese @ $2.69
1 juice pouches @ $1.69
1 3-lb apples @ $2.79
3 plastic bags @ $1.89 = $5.67
1 flour tortillas @ 99¢
1 chocolate chips @ $1.69
Tax: 46¢
Total spent: $31.08

still not bad! I went to my local aldis after work and spent $6.XX on a gallon of milk, a loaf of split top wheat bread (which was $.99) and a package of hamburger buns and a carton of eggs. I wouldve spent that on just the milk and bread alone at walmart so im not complaining.
Our milk here is definatly more expensive than yours!
Thanks for sharing this information. I would probably not have noticed the changes. I still continues to be cheaper than other places though, especially when you need to make a quick run to store for something you forgot to purchase.
I noticed the bananas, too! I also noticed the cooking spray (similar to PAM) went from 99c to $1.19 in my area. :(
WOW! I wish we paid $1.99 for milk. Skim gallon is $3.89... In PA they regulate milk prices...
Before Aldi came to South Florida I rarely drank milk, because I was already spending so much on my kids milk. I love that Aldi's milk is hormone free, and I sure hope they keep the price low.
Thank you for linking up at the Aldi SavingsLinky at the Aldi Spot.
Our Aldi has milk at $2.59...
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