ALDI: Quick as a wink
I hate dragging sick kids out of the house... but we were out of milk. She seemed to be feeling a little better, so I decided to make a quick run out to ALDI to get that and a few other needed items.
I really appreciated how quickly you can shop there. None of this mega-grocery store layout which makes it impossible to be in and out in five minutes. The milk is right next to the produce; in your typical grocery store, those two things would be as far as possible from each other!
I found whole grain white bread, which I hadn't seen before at ALDI. I bought a loaf, and the kids were really excited about getting "white" bread for once! Avocados were also on sale, which I loved!
Here's what I got:
2 gallons milk @ $1.99 = $3.98
1 loaf whole grain white bread @ $1.19
1 5 lb. bag flour @ $1.49
2 dozen eggs @ 99¢ = $1.98
1 granola bars @ $1.49 (for husband to nosh on at work)
4 avocados @ 75¢ = $3.00
Total: $13.13

I'm out of flour, milk and fruits, so I'm going to Aldi to stock up tomorrow, and I'm definitely getting avocadoes...
Frugality Is Free
At my Aldi, the milk and produce *are* as far apart as possible...but still thats what, like 6 aisles. ;) I love how fast I can get in and out of that place. And I think the owners must be geniuses b/c they built it right across from the walmart I *used* to shop at. No more walking 5 miles to the back of the store to get milk for me!
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