ALDI: Getting into a pattern
After four months of shopping at ALDI, I think I've figured out what I should buy there and what I shouldn't. I'm able to get in and pick out what I need in about 5 minutes or so. Sometimes I end up waiting longer in line to check out than I do picking out my items.
I pretty much always get milk, eggs, tortillas, and bread there (barring a great bread deal like at Publix last week). I might get cottage cheese or yogurt if we're out of them. I also might get flour, sugar, or other baking necessities. If I'm out of spices, I'll pick that up. I go to the end of the produce aisle and get whatever great produce deals they have. I pick up apples, bananas, cucumbers and avocados, and maybe another veggie or two if I'm not stopping at my local grocery store with good produce prices. And if there's some canned goods I'm running out of and haven't found a stock-up sale yet, I'll get those too.
And that's pretty much what I buy at ALDI each week. It takes up between one-quarter and one-half of my grocery budget each week. The rest of my budget goes toward deals that I find at Publix, Target, and the drug stores.
Here's what I got this week:
2 gallons milk @ $1.99 = $3.98
2 dozen eggs @ 99¢ = $1.98
2 containers cottage cheese @ $1.99 = $3.98
2 cans tuna @ 52¢ = $1.04
1 3-lb bag apples @ $1.99
1 bag bananas @ 95¢ (39¢/lb)
2 flour tortillas @ 99¢ = $1.98
1 celery @ $1.19
3 avocados @ 99¢ = $2.97
Total spent = $20.06

You sound like you shop there just like I do. I was having this same conversation with my father in law last night about how I've figured out what i need to buy at aldi and what I'm going to be able to find a coupon deal on elsewhere. I also go there each week for milk, eggs, bread, and whatever produce is on sale. I always look over their meat for price reductions, too. I don't always find them, but i think their meat is good quality but expensive, so if its marked down i will grab some. I usually buy my paper products there too, since it is hard to find deals on that kind of thing.
I'm with you that's how I shop too. Once in a while, I might let the kids pick out a snack item, if I have not found something on sale at Publix or Target.
Thank you for linking up at The Aldi Spot.
I do almost the same thing. During the warmer months I hit the farmers markert for produce, but during the cooler months I hit Aldi a couple of times a months for milk, produce milk and a few more staples. Love those prices. Then a few times a month I go to Publix and Kroger for great coupon deals.
I keep a mental list of Aldi basics prices (or look online), and if I can't find it elsewhere for less, I get it at A when I stop in for milk. At 1.99/gallon, it's rare to find that cheaper somewhere else! I have a "route" I hit, and A is about 3 blocks from #2's school (until May).
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