ALDI: 15 pounds of onions!
My last stop for my grocery trip was at ALDI, where I stocked up on the usual stuff. Last week, a 3-lb. bag of onions was 99¢, so I had bought two. Monday, it was 69¢! I bought three more. So now I have 15 pounds of onions in the house, minus the ones I've used since last Thursday. But I'll go through them quickly, as I use onions (and garlic, too) in almost everything I cook. Except for desserts, of course!
Here's what I got:
2 gallons milk @ $1.99 = $3.98
3 3-lb bags onions @ 69¢ = $2.07
1 3-lb bag Red Delicious apples @ $2.59
1 cucumber @ 65¢
2 boxes juice pouches @ $1.69 = $3.38
2 bags bananas @ $1.14
2 5-lb bags all-purpose flour @ $1.39 = $2.78
1 loaf whole wheat bread @ $1.19
2 packages flour tortillas @ 99¢ = $1.98
3 dozen eggs @ 99¢ = $2.97
Tax: 21¢
Total spent: $22.94

Onions can also be sliced and/or chopped and frozen. It is so handy to have pre-chopped onions available when cooking stir-fry, soups, spaghetti sauce, etc.
If I had room to freeze, I would have bought just as much. I found 5 lb red potatoes, 3 lb onions and avocados @ $0.49 each on Wednesday. I was in awe!
The Aldi Spot
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