Free trial of All You magazine
Veteran coupon clippers know that there are some great coupons in All You magazine - in fact, here's a list of coupons in the December issue. I usually find that I save more in coupons than the magazine costs me.
You can purchase All You at Walmart, but I definitely recommend getting a subscription. (I got my subscription during a magazine drive at my daughter's school. It helps me, and it helps the school, too.)
Here's a chance to test-drive the magazine to see if the coupons save you more money than the cost of the subscription. Sign up to get a free trial issue of All You. Once you've seen how much you personally save with the coupons, you can decide if a subscription makes sense for you.
They're also having a sweepstakes where the winner will receive $15,000.
So give it a try! Click here for your free trial issue.
You can purchase All You at Walmart, but I definitely recommend getting a subscription. (I got my subscription during a magazine drive at my daughter's school. It helps me, and it helps the school, too.)
Here's a chance to test-drive the magazine to see if the coupons save you more money than the cost of the subscription. Sign up to get a free trial issue of All You. Once you've seen how much you personally save with the coupons, you can decide if a subscription makes sense for you.
They're also having a sweepstakes where the winner will receive $15,000.
So give it a try! Click here for your free trial issue.

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