Friday, October 8, 2010

atTENding to Our Finances in 2010 October update

Time once again to update our financial goals, which I posted at the beginning of the year.

Our first goal for this year was to save up enough to pay for my eldest daughter's bat mitzvah celebrations. Through a combination of determined saving and a blessing in disguise, we were able to save the required amount of money earlier in the year.   And now... it's been spent!   We were glad to be able to host our many relatives and friends for this event, and it feels good that we were able to pay cash. 

So now we're back to working on our third goal, paying off our home equity line of credit.  Even though we weren't actively working on that goal for the past few months, we paid the interest due on the loan as well as a small amount of the principal.  So as of October, we've paid off 9% of the original amount. I don't want to say how much that amount is, but it is large enough that we want it paid off soon, yet small enough that we have hope we can pay it off within a year to eighteen months, if we work hard at saving.

How are you doing on your 2010 financial goals? Post them (or a link to your blog) in the comments.

Check out more financial goals at Saving on a Shoestring @ Cha-Ching on a Shoestring, Coupon Teacher, and Money Saving Mom.

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