Free coupon eCourse starts today!
Reminder: A new, free coupon ecourse starts today, April 5th! It's being hosted by Claire over at Saving Money Plan. It's a ten-week class, where each week's lesson is emailed directly to your inbox each Monday - that would be today! I received my introduction a few days ago, and I'm looking forward to the full course!
Claire teaches you how to utilize coupons to their fullest at national retailers like CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid. She explains the intricacies of each of their customer programs, and each week gives an easy-to-understand assignment based on that week's ads. Not only will you be learning, but you'll also be savings lots of money!
I'll be blogging about the course - what I learned, what I like and don't like, and my experience in completing the assignments. Learn with me!
Claire teaches you how to utilize coupons to their fullest at national retailers like CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid. She explains the intricacies of each of their customer programs, and each week gives an easy-to-understand assignment based on that week's ads. Not only will you be learning, but you'll also be savings lots of money!
I'll be blogging about the course - what I learned, what I like and don't like, and my experience in completing the assignments. Learn with me!

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